Thinking of starting your own business in Canada?

Think Alberta to set-up a Business in Canada. The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well in Alberta! Our thriving small-business and entrepreneur community is an important part not only of the province’s economy, but also our entrepreneurial culture. The business climate in Alberta is innovative, dynamic and in many cases, entrepreneurial.
  1. Over the past 10 years, the number of small businesses grew by almost 25,000 or 18.5%
  2. Alberta enjoys the highest rate of entrepreneurship of all G7 countries, 50% higher!
  3. Alberta has 60% more female and 80% more youth entrepreneurs than the Canadian average
  4. The use of medium and high-technology in Alberta is 60% higher than the Canadian average
There are special immigration programs for those wishing to come to Canada as an investor, entrepreneur or self-employed person. Learn more at: Sources: